Let Our Pre-sale listing inspection program help you sell it!


A Pre-Sale Inspection provides valuable Information on deficiencies and actual conditions. Many homeowners have a biased and unrealistic opinion of the condition of their home, and most have never been in their attic, on their roof or opened their electrical panel.

A Pre-Sale Inspection:

Allows the seller to take a proactive approach
Sets seller’s level of expectation with actual conditions in the home
Guards against buyer’s erroneous inspection results.

Thousands of homes are listed for sale on the MLS. Hundreds of new properties are added to the MLS every week in South Florida. Over 80% of these homes will be inspected by a company working for a perspective buyer at some point.

A Pre-Sale Inspection provides valuable Information on deficiencies and actual conditions. Many homeowners have a biased and unrealistic opinion of the condition of their home, and many have never been in their attic, on their roof or opened their electrical panel.

Let’s work together to get it SOLD!!


It allows the seller to take a proactive approach to the home sale and inspection process to remedy deficiencies prior to contracting with a buyer. The home-buying process is an emotional event, and negative stimulus from a list of deficiencies affects a buyer’s emotions

It assists in setting the level of expectation with actual conditions in the home.

It provides Allied’s industry best report as part of disclosure to perspective buyers, showing

It guards against erroneous inspection results by a buyer’s inspector

Determine if any obstacles exist that will make obtaining insurance or financing difficult for the prospective buyer.